Saturday, May 27, 2006

Difference Between Damasco And Jacquard

menu Italian Chiara, Beatrice, Glenda e Valentina

We to the computer ...

Crostini di fegatini
Canapes Chicken Liver
Serves 4:
four chicken livers 30 g beurreune handle persil2 desalted anchovies and hachés1 spoon 1 tablespoon chopped anchovy shaves farine2 spoons eauselSi necessary poivrepain Household stale
Preparation: Remove
pockets gall livers without breaking and mix with finely chopped parsley
Make them sweat in butter, adding the chopped anchovies and capers. Add salt and pepper, sprinkle flour and water. Leave
back a few minutes, stirring constantly.
Toast bread slices and spread to the pulp prepared.
Serve hot or cold canapés.
Variation: You can replace a portion of chicken liver with a little calf liver after carefully denervated.

tomato soup very spicy .
Ingredients for 6 persons:
1 kg of fish divers500 g octopus, cuttlefish and / or calmar300 g cicada Sea3 large onions rouges10 cloves ail100 g persil10
sage leaves 200 g tomato pelée20 g concentrate tomates2 glasses of red wine in trancheshuile corsépain stale Tuscan olive viergesel, poivrepiment

First clean the fish: the biggest, remove the heads, viscera and bones. Keep the giblets. Make nets dimensions moyennes.Mettez half the oil in a saucepan and saute half the onions, garlic, sage and persil.Mettez to cook pork slices, by capturing and making them brown on both sides, moisten with a glass of wine and let it reduce slowly. Add the giblets, and let boil a few minutes. Remove fillets from pan, keeping them warm and reserving the sauce with the tomatoes aside. In the pan we put all the small fish, the remains of the great, that is to say, the main heads and bones and cicadas. Sauté all this for about ten minutes, making sure to salt and pepper, and moisten with two glasses of wine. Once reduced, add the tomato paste and half a liter of water, let it reduce by half and finally pass through a fine sieve. Add cream to pan and cooking it added to the part tomato sauce. Always at hand, scald the squid sliced and keep the cooking water. Do not throw the sliced octopus in boiling water, but thread them on a fork and dip them repeatedly, about three or four, in boiling water and remove quickly you will see that the tentacles tend to curl. This operation is that the octopus does not become too hard. In another pan, put cooking cuttlefish, squid, cut into strips, with the other half of the oil and herbs, moisten with the remaining wine and let the engine reduce before adding the cooking water octopus. Cook together until reduced by half. Gather all finally in the hot pan, correct assisonnement salt, pepper and chili. Grill the bread slices, rub with garlic and place them in a deep plate, a first slice flat on the bottom and other three vertically on the edges. Distribute the soup plates and serve hot.

It castagnaccio

chestnut cake with pine nuts

Ingredients for 4 servings: 400 g
chestnut flour 50 g pignonsl'écorce an orange 1 sprig of rosemary, a pinch of salt, olive oil extra virgin

In a bowl, mix flour and salt with water to obtain kneading creamy.
Add the rosemary leaves, the grated rind of orange, pine nuts and a tablespoon of olive oil.
Pour into a greased pie huile.Enfournez temperature of 180 ° for about 35 minutes.

Pate Pizza


• 12 g baking • 8 grams of salt • 1 / 4 liter eau388 cal / serving
• 500g flour • 50 g Olive oil or fat • 8 grams of sugar or 2 sucresPour 2 pizzas the size of a pie
Preparation: Sift flour
to avoid lumps in the batter. Digging to the center fountain.
All ingredients are on the work plan ...
Pour oil center of the fountain. Knead or mix with your fingertips flour and oil and sand. You must obtain a powdery state, such as oil and flour make up the "sand" rather thin.
Take the mixture in small quantities at a time and the "rub" his hands outstretched fingers. This is the "sanding"
begin again a second time the fountain ...
Place in the center, yeast, sugar, salt and half water. It continues ...
Mix ingredients, working the dough and adding the water as and when necessary, the dough should not be too soft. Make a ball. A trick to prevent your dough to harden on top ...
Flour a container, place the dough and cover with a damp cloth. Place in a warm place and let dough rise for 1 hour at 1:30. Your dough is ready to be lowered.

Pizza Margherita
Ingr édients for a 25 cm pizza margherita

sauce tomato sauce or a sauce simmered

bunch basil 180 gr mozzarella
salt and pepper
a little oil Olive

Preparing pizza - Preheat oven to 220 ° C (200 ° C with convection having taken care to remove plaque before .- Lightly oil a baking sheet with oil Olive .- Push the dough on the plate .- Cover the dough with tomato sauce .- Cut the mozzarella into slices and cover the pizza .- .- Pepper Garnish pizza with basil leaves, cook the pizza for + / - 25 minutes at mid-height.


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